Saturday, April 13, 2013

Schedule, Meds and Parenthood...

We officially have our in vitro schedule!!!!

Starting on April 25th, we will officially be on the road to becoming parents. We've ordered $2600 worth of medications/injections (that's right, insurance doesn't cover fertility treatments, which include the medications) this week, which I will start on the 25th. Those injections continue for twelve days and let me tell you, I am not excited about poking myself a few times a day. Luckily my wonderful EMT, firefighter, hubby is oh so willing to help me out with that part! Then, exactly 34 hours before they retrieve my eggs, I give myself a final cocktail of hormones! On May 9th, we head to the doctors office, where I'm given some wonderful drugs to knock me out while they take as many eggs as possible.

This lovely picture represents how much we want this! It also shows the huge difference between my participation and Dave's participation in the whole process! lol 
How easy does he have it folks?!?!
After retrieving the eggs, the lab will perform magic (at least in my eyes) and place one single sperm in each egg, wait five days for the eggs to develop into embryos and transfer back into me!

Then Parenthood begins!

That is, Parenthood the show! :)
After my transfer day, I will be on bed rest for three additional days. I am supposed to be reclined the whole time, minus a few bathroom breaks. Our doctor doesn't want me upright for more than a few minutes at a time. It just so happens that Parenthood is one of my favorite shows, so I found the seasons, used, for extremely cheap and plan to watch them during this time. I also have a list of books to download onto my kindle, just in case I get sick of TV, which is extremely likely!
We then wait twelve days to find out if we are pregnant or not. I believe this will be the hardest part for me. I have never been one for surprises, and I'm not very patient when it comes to them.
I feel so extremely blessed to have a wonderfully supportive husband, who wants to grow our family no matter the cost! He may not have to go through the physical parts of in vitro, but he is by my side every step of the way, and I know he will be the best father to our children I could ever ask for! I am excited to start this journey with my best friend, hand in hand!


  1. I am beyond excited for you guys. I truly believe you both will be amazing parents and your children will be so lucky to have you guys! I'm sure the wait will probably be the toughest part, but in the end it will be all worth it! In all seriousness I want to help in anyway I can. If you need some dinners made or someone to do the dishes or vacuum, I know Dave is there, but I'm sure he is feeling just as you are and wouldn't mind some down time with you! Love you!!

  2. YAY BABIES!! I can't WAIT till you guys are pregnant it's going to be amazing! I wish I were there to help and keep you company while you are on 'bed rest'! Love you buddy!

  3. I'm so happy for you guys and that things are looking up! You are going to be an awesome mom Sarah!
