Thursday, October 20, 2011

What comes next…

I'm not sure exactly what to call it but we've been racing towards Dave's career goals since we've known each other. He started volunteering at our local fire station for the past 5 years and it had always been his dream to become a paid firefighter. It was a bumpy road but we have finally made it. There have been several positions open up in those 5 years but there were missed opportunities and moments of frustration when he didn't get the news that he was picked for the position. We've had moments of frustration when he didn't get the news that he was picked for the position. We've had moments of wanting to give up and inspired moments when we realized that he had a wonderful job and if he was a volunteer fireman; then he was still happy. Ultimately, the goal was to be happy in whatever he was doing and make enough money to pay the bills. He was happy in his paid job and in his volunteer position. We were content. Then, a couple weeks ago, we received the news that a position was opening up and Dave was going to be offered the job! We both had mixed feelings due to the way the position opened up. Ultimately, we decided that Dave would have more regret not taking the position. He officially starts on November 1st and he is so excited! It's amazing how long it takes to work towards something you've wanted for years and when it finally comes, it feels unreal. The question now is what comes next?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rolling in Mud

This is our Shih Tzu, Molly. She LOVES the mud! I mean, she could spend all day rolling in it! When the rain (or melted snow) comes, we can count on having to give her a bath everytime!

So here is before....

And here is after....
It's hard to tell but the entire shower was covered in mud by the end. She is a white, with grey patches. However, seeing her on a daily basis; you might think she was a slightly brown dog. She is one of our smallest dogs, yet she is by far our dirtiest!