Thursday, June 26, 2014

Deja Vu

I feel like I just went through this a year ago... Oh wait... I did! haha

I have promised several people that I would keep in vitro updates on here, so here's the first one. We've started hormone injections. Our first procedure is July 11th and the final on is July 18th. Then we wait!

Last time, I was much more eager for the procedures, but this time, I can't wait for them to be over!

There's honestly not much to update y'all with, but I promise to keep you in the loop. Love you all and as always, thank you so much for all your support!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Camping with great friends!!

For Memorial Day Weekend (and a celebration of my last day at 5Star Bank), we decided to plan a camping trip with our good friends Jordan and Ryan. Jordan was pretty brave because she was in her third trimester of pregnancy, and let's face it, it's hard enough squatting in the woods when you aren't pregnant. Dave and Ryan went up early Friday morning to find us a good spot, and after 3 hours of driving around, they found the best spot around!!! We had the best view!!!! It was absolutely gorgeous!
We enjoyed a campfire, s'mores, junk food, and some great company! We were only a couple miles from Rampart Reservoir, so we planned to do some fishing that mostly turned into sitting by the water for a few ours without any bites. It still was a great time though! We had LOTS of rain but it didn't take away from enjoying the weekend.