Sometimes life is so confusing and leads you in a u-turn you never saw coming. A year ago the majority of our energy went towards our dream of becoming parents. That dream is still there and at this point, I never see that going away, but we feel a huge push to take a big break from it all. The emotional, and metal strain I've felt this last year is one of growing and understanding. I've accepted that we are going to work a lot harder than most in order to have children. I'm finding peace with this realization.
I've had a tremendous opportunity to purse another dream. It came suddenly, and with hard decisions, but it feels right. With layoffs pending at work, and the uncertainty of it all, we've decided that I will be quitting my seven year long career in banking and go back to school! I'll be in an intense EMT course starting June 2. This also means our efforts of starting a family will be put on hold. My heart aches to stop trying right now but it also leaps for the opportunity to find a career I enjoy. A high salary has never been my biggest motivation for work. I found a passion for parts of the banking world up until a couple years ago. I'm now going to pursue what hopes to be a new passion. Health care has always interested me and I'm ecstatic for this new adventure! I'm also terrified! Lol we are putting a lot of faith into this dream and I can only hope that we will come out of the other side stronger and happier.