Every year, my family meets up with a few of our best family friends and take an annual ski trip. We split the cost of a cabin, eat tons of junk food, ski our hearts out, play games and laugh until our bellies hurt. This trip always ends too quickly!
Dad and Josh getting ready for our first day of Skiing.
One of my best friend's goofy husband. He always has a smily on his face and that hat totally matched is personality! Unfortunately, this was the only day he could ski due to a dislocated shoulder that later happened during a crash (aka yard sale).
One of my best friend's goofy husband. He always has a smily on his face and that hat totally matched is personality! Unfortunately, this was the only day he could ski due to a dislocated shoulder that later happened during a crash (aka yard sale).
Thats my handsome hubby! I married such a cool guy!
That same day Albert hurt his shoulder, Josh also had a yard sale and hurt his shoulder. This trip truly was one of injuries.
I just threw this in because I think he's so cute!
Here's a small glimps into our snacking habits over the weekend.