I always forget that I should download my pictures in the reverse order. So you now get my Iowa trip in reverse.
Becky and her family came to Colorado in August and it worked out that I was going to be on vacation at the very time she needed someone to drive the 15 hours back to Iowa, with her and the kids. I was lucky enough to endure the long, hot drive! hehe I actually didn't mind it as much as Becky I think but it was a hot day in a no A/C car. We were sure glad to find Becky's house nice and cool!
This is Fabio... he was in this outhouse just hanging out. We had to get a picture of him. BUT there was a huge black widow in there so I was standing as far away as possible.

We had a lot of fun at this place. We visited a German colony near Cedar Rapids and I really enjoyed the old museums. It rained on us most of the day though, which turned out to be fun but I can't say we were looking our best! :)

One of the days I was in Iowa, we went to this awesome place(I wish we had this when I was a kid) called The Play Station. They encourage the adults to join in the fun and play/crawl around with all the kiddos.