This sunset was so beautiful. I'm not very good at capturing the beauty of it though!

This is called Thunder Hole. When the waves (seen here) crash into the rocks, it honestly sounds just like thunder. It was pretty amazing!

This picture is particularly bad of me but we were visiting one of the light houses, which I was really excited about! lol

Dave's Aunt, Uncle, and Grandparents all live in a charming cabin on Mount Desert Island in the beautiful state of Maine. We have been pushing to go out there for quite some time and it finally happened. We had so much fun and I really enjoyed getting to meet his family. We happened to be there during a particularly devastating hurricane named Irene. Lucky for us, though, we only received some rain and small wind gusts. Nothing was really damaged where we were. Unfortunately, the hurricane did destroy many party of Vermont. It was sad to watch all the devastation that wasn't all the far away.
While we were there, we got lots of visit time. We also ventured out most days to sight see. We hiked a few trails. One in particular was really a joy. We actually had to use bars like a ladder to climb the sides of huge rock's. We were quite high up. The climb was well worth the view though. It was such a beautiful place. We had over 300 pictures by the time we left. I won't make you endure that many though. These are a few of my favorites.